Over a decade of Art: Est. 2013

Our Australian Ra: God of sunlight

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  • Kerry-Anne Blanket
  • 17/08/2020

According to ancient Egyptian mythology, Ra (pronounced ray) was believed to be the creator of the world. The name Ra represents sunlight, warmth and growth. The ancient Egyptians believed every god should illustrate some aspect of Ra, while Ra himself should represent every god. Kelly-Anne Love has created a beautiful Australian sun god in the form of a yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo and aptly named him Ra. 

The ancient Egyptians usually depicted Ra in human form, with his falcon head crowned by a golden sun disc. In a similar way, Kelly-Anne Love’s illustration features a golden cheek. While this version doesn’t include the addition of the traditional symbol of the sacred cobra (named Uraeus) it does feature various Australian flora and related symbols on its beak. 

Kelly-Anne Love is often spiritually inspired when creating her artworks

Kerry-Anne Blanket, Director & Curator - KAB Gallery
About the author

Kerry-Anne Blanket

Director & Curator - KAB Gallery

KAB Gallery’s Kerry-Anne Blanket holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts and two Masters degrees (Hons) from the University of Sydney. With an extensive career in art education along with the management of museums and investment art galleries, Kerry-Anne can offer premier art consulting to her clients and source specially requested works. 

She has a keen eye for detail, comprehensive art market knowledge and a love of all things beautiful. Kerry-Anne works directly with artists and collectors alike to curate interesting and eclectic exhibitions.