Over a decade of Art: Est. 2013

Mellissa Read-Devine


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MEDIUM: Acrylic on Canvas
SIZE: 105x80cm view in inches 41x31inches view in cm

Certificate of Authenticity is included with this purchase.

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Artist’s Statement: I am very fortunate, being out in the countryside every day and seeing obvious beauty all around me.

But you don’t see the beauty when your mind is closed to it, busy with other things, fretting about what one has no control over.

On a sad day I dutifully trudge along lovely bush tracks and walk the dogs, thinking sad thoughts. Moving dead branches off the path, puffing a bit and staring at the ground if I’m going uphill.

And then something might jog me out of such dour indulgences. I look up and actually see something that delights my eye, hear bird song that tantalises my ear. I walk more carefully then, awake to what the next bend might show me.

My Hillside paintings are an open ended series of work of walks in my local area.

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